Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Economics & Investment Highlights (4)

Business Economics & Services Team (Best)

                     Economics & Investment Highlights (4)

1.      1.  Trade deficit Widens
Trade deficit of India has widened to a 16 month record level riding on the back of increased import of gold. Exports for the month of November 2014  grew by 7.2%  after 8.5% contraction in October 2014 mainly due to increased exports of  textiles, garments,  gems and jewelry etc. At the same time, imports were up 26.8% in November 2014 to US $ 42.8 billion , leaving a trade deficit of US$ 16.9 billion. This increased trade deficit will widen the current account deficit of the third quarter of the current fiscal year. At the same time, one has to fact in the steady slide of the oil prices, which the experts predict may continue for some more time, offsetting the increased trade deficit.
2.    2.    New arbitration Clause to inserted in Indian trade treaties
Concerned by increasing number of arbitration cases that the individuals and companies are resorting to, the Government of India is likely to incorporate a provision to the effect that it will not allow foreign companies to drag India to arbitration on issues settled by a judicial authority. A draft cabinet note has been circulated by the finance ministry for changing the draft guidelines for the bilateral investment treaties.
3.     3.   Inflation falls to zero level in November 2014
Triggered by dramatic fall in the whole sale prices of food and fuel, the whole sale inflation has flattened to zero level, according to the government sources. Many feel that it is the ideal time for the RBI governor to revisit the demand of the industry to cut the interest rate to jump starts the economy, when he reviews the monetary policy in the first week of February 2015. But many feel that the RBI governor will have to take cognizance of many factors including inflationary expectation, oil prices at that time, current account deficit and most importantly, fiscal deficit.


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